Your humility I can’t forget in a hurry. I was like na wa for this lady, she always added please to almost all her chats and somehow I picked that up from you and I now find myself adding please to my chats.. I definitely got that from you Oduraa.
I miss you oo, I remember your beautiful voice … I never knew you could sing so well until the International Gospel Concert at Clemson, (wawwwuuuuuuu) when you led the worship song ‘How Great is Our God’, the atmosphere was lit and the presence of God saturated the auditorium, everyone (black, white, men, women, boys, girls) lifted up their hands in worship…we forgot our was a wonderful experience in God’s presence and I can’t forget those memories…God is great!!!
I only have good, sweet memories of you. In all my interactions with you, you never stressed me at all, you didn’t give me problems at all. My heart will always bless you for being so supportive even when you didn’t have so much time for yourself, you made time out to ensure the Maiden International Gospel Worship night was a success.
I will always remember you, I love you, I still don’t understand till today but I am assured that God Almighty our Maker, the creator and owner of Heaven and Earth loves you more.
I will see you in heaven where we will have unending worship sessions by the grace of God.
I pray that God Almighty will comfort your family and friends who you left behind…we love you dearly.
Till we meet in heaven by the mercies of God, take care dear Oduraa, rest on in the bosom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.. Amen